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OS 10.2 jailbreak was released a few days ago. It was good news for iOS 10 users and the jailbreak community. If you already have jailbroken iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. The next step is finding the best tweaks for iOS 10.2 to change the iOS device’s appearance and install a wide range of iOS apps. Many tweaks are releasing once after new jailbreak releases. Also, update the old tweaks to comfortable for iOS 10 jailbreaks. If your iOS 10 device is not jailbroken yet, you can follow the below tutorial to jailbreak iOS device. Then you can add Best iOS 10 Cydia Tweaks for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices.
Best Cydia Tweaks iOS 10.2 iPhone and iPads
To get the latest Cydia tweaks, you need to find popular Cydia sources which have more package of Cydia tweaks. So, find the popular Cydia Sources to install many Cydia Tweaks. Get the latest and best Cydia tweaks for iOS 10. It supports all iOS 10 running iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. So, Most of the tweaks are available to download in the BigBoss repository.
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AdBlocker Tweak
When surfing the internet in Google chrome or safari browser, popup ads are really annoying. Some websites are using these kinds of ads. So you can get away from these ads by adding an AdBlocker tweak for iOS 10 devices. It supports all iOS 10 running devices. Also, AdBlocker is available to download in the BigBoss repository.
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AndriOS Tweak
If you are an android lover and currently have an iOS device, you can change the iOS device interface like an android device. Then you can get an android feeling on an iOS device. AndriOS support all iOS 10 version running iOS device, and it is available to download in BigBoss repository.
Auxo Legacy Edition Tweak
More apps can do more works at the same time. If you are doing multitasking works with your iOS device. Auxo Legacy Edition iOS 10 do the best options to handle all apps are running on your iOS device. So, It supports iOS 10 jailbroken iOS devices and available to download from the BigBoss repository.
BadgeCleaner Tweak

Suppose you are getting a lot of notification on your iOS device. All unopen notifications show on the app icon with the count of notifications. Clearing all these notification badges is a waste of time. Also, In the BigBoss repository, there is a special tweak that you can use to clear these badge easily on your iOS device. Install the BadgeCleaner on your iOS 10 running device and clear all notifications
Calypso Tweak
If you want to change your iOS device’s internal setting, Calypso is the best tweak to do that. You can change your icons’ label, change colors on your notification center, Custom carrier test, and more. So, It supports all iOS 10 devices and available to download in the BigBoss repository.
CerCube Tweak
If you are a Youtube user, CerCube will be an interesting tweak for your iOS device. Many features come with CerCube tweaks, such as download youtube videos directly to your iOS device, play Youtube videos in the background, and many tweaks to use Youtube easier. CerCube Cydia Tweak is available to download from the BigBoss repository.
DarkMessages Tweak
If you are always using a messaging app to send a message to your friends, you may love to use this Darkmessage tweak. It customizes the color style of the message bubble and background. It gives a brand new interface to your message app. DarkMessagesCydia tweaks work with iOS 10 devices, and It’s available in BigBoss repository.
iAP Cracker Tweak
If you are looking to get a free app without purchase in Apple Appstore, the best option is iAP Cracker Cydia Tweak. It helps to get much range of free apps and games to your iOS device. iAP Cracker Tweak support for iOS 10 running devices and available to download in http://repo.hackyouriphone.org repo.
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iCleaner Pro Tweak
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When we are using the iOS device, it always creates temporary files and cookies. When the file becomes large, it takes more space on your iPhone or iPad.By deleting these files, you can increase the free space on your iOS device. So, iCleaner Pro Cydia tweaks help to delete app temporary files in your iOS device. Also, it helps to optimize speed on your iOS device. iCleaner Pro support iOS 10 devices and available get from https://ib-soft.net/cydia repo.Read the full article about the iCleaner Pro tweak installation.
LinkTunes & PwnTunes:
If you are a music lover, you may like to get music free on your iOS device. Linktunes tweak the best option for your choice. LinkTunes & PwnTunes Cydia Tweak is available to download from http://repo.hackyouriphone.org repo. Also, you can get Linktunes ios 10 devices.
Moove Tweak
Moove Cydia tweak is another experience for iOS users. You can do more things by moving your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch devices. Such as Kill apps, Lock killer, Clear lock screen, Stop the music, and more. So, you can do all these things without operating the iOS device. Moove Cydia tweak is available to download in the Bigboss repository and support all iOS 10 devices.

Multify Tweak
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Multify is another best tweak for controlling the multifunction on your iOS device. So you can handle a few apps easily by multitasking. Multify Cydia Tweak is support for iOS 10 devices, and you can download it from the Bigboss repository.
SlideCut Tweak
Using SlideCutCydia tweak, you can get more numbers shortcuts inside the keyboard. So, it helps to control your iOS device easier. It supports iOS 10 iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices. SlideCuttweak can be download from the Bigboss repository. Further, These are the shortcut list which is providing by SlideCutCydia Tweak. X: Cut, C: Copy, V: Paste, A: Select All, Z: Undo, Y: Redo, Q: Start line, P: End line, B: Beginning of document, E: End of document, S: Select word, H: Move left, J: Move down, K: Move up, L: Move right.
Springtomize Tweak
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By using Springtomize Cydia Tweak, you can customize the iOS device with new interfaces. It gives a new experience for iOS users.Springtomize supports with iOS 10 iPhone and iPads. It is a paid application. But you can try for 3 days trial period. It is good enough for you, and then you can purchase it. Springtomize can be download from the Bigboss repository.
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These are the best iOS 10 tweaks for iOS 10 to iOS 10.3.4 running iOS versions. We hope this article helps to get new tweaks for your newly jailbroken iOS device. There are many tweaks available to download. These are a few of them. Also, there will have more tweaks when the developers release new tweaks for the iOS 10 version. If there are more awesome tweaks updated with iOS 10, let us know. Also, If you have any issues regarding this best iOS 10 jailbreak tweaks, leave a comment below.