Explore 10 listings for Kodi android 4.4 2 at best prices. The cheapest offer starts at Tk 3,250. Hi, Here is another fork, Kodi 17 on android 4.4.2. This is from the vdubt25 tech 2 guides site, installed it on my old T8 box running 4.4.2 and is working fine. I buy a Movie Cube F400 from EMTEC - TV Box with android 4.2 on it. It works to install Kodi 14.2 on it. It seams for the new Krypton version it doesen.t work with my software of Android 4.2. On this version of Kodi 14.2 - i can`t install the newest Add-on´s for example.

How to choose channels on Android Kodi
So, you have Kodi and Android Box by now. And you want to watch football, Indian cinema or anime cartoon. What is needed for this? Choose a channel!
Kodi Android 4.2 Apk

Here is a simple guide to help you:
Unlock Kodi
Choose a system, than TV or Live TV, then General
Select the Enabled option.
Choose customize
Now open the M3U Play List URL, copy the link http://pastebin.com/raw/fiMEf4Ab and paste it into the address bar.
Reload your application
Now you can open TV, look at which channels and live channels are available. Decide which one you like best and just turn it on. It will immediately begin playback.
How you should backup Kodi Android
Many users want to customize the configuration based on their own personal preferences. Of course, you can do this without any problems, but just in case, it is better to have a backup. Do not think that this is a complex process; in fact, everything is very simple. And here is the sequence of actions that you must adhere to:
Kodi Android 4.2 Android
Open Settings in the SYSTEM
Select the Add-ons tab. It is located on the left in the menu bar.
Choose Get Supplement
You must open the org Add-ons repository
Browse the list of categories and click Add-ons for Programs
Install XBMC Backup Add-on
Wait for the process to complete