Ztec Outboard Diagnostics (ZOD)

Evinrude Diagnostic kit + EvDiag The explanation of why you can receive and get this ficht di engine sooner is that this is the wedding album in soft file form. You can entrance the books wherever you want even you are in the bus, office, home, and new places. But, you may not habit to fake or bring the record print wherever you go. The EvDiag 5 is probably going to have minimal development out as they roll out the new G2s and go to EvDiag 6. The are currently developing a wireless adapter called the E-Link for the G2 products that will link your engine wirelessly to your phone. Re: Evinrude E-Tec software From what I understand, #763724 is the latest upgrade on the Windows version of Evinrude DI and E-TEC diagnostics. It has all the functions for both enginesIt has to be registered with a dealer number to work, otherwise it stays in a demo mode.
With this set you will be able to check your Evinrude E-TEC or Ficht outboard engine with only USB ports on your PC! Compatible with all models E-TEC, FICHT, DI, (G2-only basic feature)1999-2020 FICHT: 75HP, 90HP, 115HP, 135HP, 150HP, 175HP, 200HP, 225HP, 250HP. Hi all, I recall reading, within the past 6 months, on etecownersgroup that a ' stripped down ' version for Consumer Use was soon going to become available. I've searched for that thread but have been unable to find it. Ok I just found the original post by seahorse. So the question is, Any update on this. GEB QUOTE seahorse Moderator Registered:04/19/08 Posts: 7,063 Posted 02/27 #22.
Evinrude ® EvDiagnostics v5 (standard version) or EvDiag performs engine diagnostics on Evinrude ® Ficht/DI and E-TEC ® G1 series engines. It is a powerful tool; however, EvDiag was meant for Evinrude ® dealers and their technicians use only.
ZOD is a safe and sensible replacement for EvDiag. Development of ZOD started over 4 years ago as an alternative way for consumers to have a degree of control based on their feedback to alert us of errors, changes and enhancement request. ZOD contains an engine simulator that will simulate many of the real engine conditions. This simulator is a valuable evaluation tool and should help the user in learning proper use.
ZOD has license registration contained within the application and uses PayPal for handling payment transaction (pro version $89.95 USD, basic version $59.95 USD, pro version upgrade from basic version $30.00 USD). Once payment is verified, registration occurs within the application immediately. See End User License Agreement for more information.
(requires Windows ® XP or higher OS, engine serial communications)
Learn more about ZOD using its web help file online.
Evdiag 6 Download Pc
ZOD Simulator Videos