Body Pump Workout Routine Pdf

Side Rotator Raise. This move is nowhere near as easy as Helen makes it look, but it’s well worth the.

Fitness Nation in Arlington and Bedford, Texas are dedicated to your fitness needs. We believe in the full body workout, and today we will talk about Body Pump. Body Pump has become a very popular and a great way for you to achieve your full body workout. Our gyms are 24 hours and are equipped with all the gear and help you’d need to complete a Body Pump workout.


So, what is this Body Pump we keep bringing up? Body Pump is a barbell workout for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit fast. The workout uses light to moderate weights with lots of repetition. When done correctly, you will burn up to 540 calories. Our instructors will coach you through the scientifically proven moves and techniques, pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music. We will help you achieve much more than on your own!

Body Pump Workout Routine Pdf Examples

Get ready for a full-body strength-training workout with Nike Global Master Trainer Betina Gozo. This workout includes circuits to work every muscle. JayDee Cutting III, Educator for the American Council On Exercise, Total Gym Master Trainer and regular Total Gym Pulse blog contributor has created this Quick 5-Minute Morning Workout Video for those who are looking to start their day off right! Training can be evolved from here based on needs and body feedback. So while the pump is an effective muscle building tool, it makes little sense to make it your only focus. Without a strength base, and without a quality amount of workout intensity (pushing a high percentage of sets for as many reps as possible), the pump won't yield the. CSUN research subjects took an hour-long BodyPUMP class twice a week and avoided other weight training. 'We asked participants to continue with their usual aerobic exercise and dietary routines,' says Eve Fleck, M.S., the study's lead author, who did the study for her master's thesis.

The workouts are available in intervals of 55, 45 or 30-minute. For those who are beginning a workout program and have not used barbells before, do not be intimidated. Our fitness teachers will help you find the perfect equipment for you along with proper techniques to decrease injury. When you first begin the Body Pump workout we recommend lifting light weights and slowly increasing in increments. Repetition is key in burning calories.

Body Pump Workout Routine Pdf Exercises

In a Body Pump class, these exercises are used:

Body Pump Workout Routine Pdf
  • Squats
  • Chest Press
  • Deadrow
  • Clean and Press
  • Press Pullover Combo
  • Lunges
  • Reverse Curl

There are some others that can be manipulated or modified. We will talk about five of these exercises that you can practice now:

  1. Squats: this is a simple exercise. First, bend your knees, brace your core and pick up the bar, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width distance apart. Then place the bar on the meaty, fleshy portion of your upper back, just below your neck. Elbows should be directly underneath the bar. Initiating the movement with your glutes, sit down and back, keeping knees over toes. Return to the starting position, and keep the weight in your heels as you drive back up.
  2. Upright Row: Stand with arms straight, holding the bar in front of your thighs. Hands should grip the bar slightly wider than hip-distance apart. Keep the bar close to your body, wrists straight, lift the bar up, elbows coming out to the side. Pause when the bar is chest-height and elbows are just below shoulder-height. Lower the bar back down, keeping it as close to the body as possible.
  3. Deadlift: Stand with your arms straight, holding the bar a few inches away from your thighs. Your hands should grip the bar slightly wider than hip-distance apart. Keep your chest lifted, back straight, chin in and abs braced, hinge at your hips. Initiating the movement from your glutes, slide the bar down your thighs, keeping the bar very close to the body. Stop just at the top of the knee line, going no lower than the middle of the kneecap. Return to the starting position.
  4. Static Lunge: Bend your knees, brace your core and pick up the bar, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width distance apart. Place the bar on the meaty, fleshy portion of your upper back, just below your neck. Hands should be just outside of your shoulders, elbows directly below the bar. With a long stride, step back with your right leg, planting the ball of the foot on the ground, heel lifted. Left knee should remain softly bent. Drop your right knee towards the floor (do not touch it), until your left thigh comes parallel to the floor. Return to the standing position.
  5. Rotator Press: Start in set position, then transition to a split stance by stepping your left leg back slightly. Feet should be hip-distance apart, back heel lifted towards the ceiling, weight evenly distributed on both feet. Hold one weight plate in each hand, plates facing one another, elbows bent to a 90-degree angle. Keeping arms bent, spread elbows out to shoulder height. Keep your elbows bent, rotate weight plates up so that the underside of your arm faces forward. Straighten arms, pressing plates straight up and over your head. Return to the standing position.

If you are interested in starting a Body Pump workout or have any questions, contact us at Fitness Nation today.

JayDee Cutting III, Educator for the American Council On Exercise, Total Gym Master Trainer and regular Total Gym Pulse blog contributor has created this Quick 5-Minute Morning Workout Video for those who are looking to start their day off right!
Body pump workout routine pdf free download
In addition to setting the pace for a productive day and blasting away calories, studies show that mental function gets set on fire – for anywhere from 4 to 10 hours following a morning workout.​
Plus, according to Total Gym Pulse blog contributor, Dr. Michael Mantell, it’s not all about being ready to take on any challenge with clear thinking and a shrinking, more-regulated appetite: Consistent morning exercise actually helps your sleep needs as well.

Quick 5-Minute Morning Workout - in 3 Simple Steps

Body Pump Workout Routine Pdf

STEP 1: Lower Body • Squat Position • Level is upper third of tower

Single Leg Squat • 30 secs each leg
OPTIONS: Non-working leg lifts as you go up - with a crunch
Plyometric Jumps • 1 minute
OPTIONS: Skiing, one legged jumps, alternating one legged jumps, tick tock

STEP 2: Upper Body • Kneeling Backwards • Level is bottom third of tower

Surfer Lat Pull • 1 minute total
OPTIONS: High kneeling or seated, single arm with rotation

Body Pump Workout Routine Pdf Exercises

STEP 3: Upper Body • Lying face up • Level is bottom third of tower

Body Pump Exercises

Pullover crunch • 1 minute total
OPTIONS: Add rotation for obliques, feet off glideboard, straighten legs, add cheerleader (legs go out hands go between legs)