- Support for Zero-G VOCALOID products
This page provides technical support and software updates for Registered Users of Zero-G VOCALOID products.
So I remember once we had a thread about available Vocaloid trials but sadly it seems I can't find it back on this version of the forum ='S Hence why I decided to make this thread, so people could directly access to these trials without having to browse billion pages (and also to avoid situations like the supposed LOLA 'trial' that wasn't one). Lola free download - Lola Dargenti, Lola Market, Lola On The Grill, and many more programs.
- Working with her voice using Tiny Vocaloid or Vocaloid Editor 4 is as easy as typing in words or like syllables in parts to make words. You can get her to sing right away, but this is the easy part. It can be a very complicated process but very worth while.
- Yamaha Vocaloid 5.0.1 x64 + Libraries 12.52 GB Nov 24, 2018 GET VOCALOID 5: Music ⇢ Subscribe: Piracy is the act of produced cracked versions of software which allow unlimited use of a software without purchase.
(only for owners of Zero-G Vocaloid Products who have a valid serial number)
If your VOCALOID question is not answered below, then please send an email to: support@zerog-shop.reamaze.com
Remember to give us your serial number and full technical details of the computer system and system software you are using VOCALOID with. There is an independent Vocaloid Users Website which provides tips, tutorials, news, and a users' forum where you can share advice and experiences.
To visit the Vocaloid Users Website, please click HERE
VOCALOID4 Support and FAQs (for users of Zero-G DEX or DAINA):
Get general help or advice on VOCALOID4 from Yamaha HERE.
VOCALOID4 Editor software updates:
Any and all VOCALOID4 Editor software updates can be downloaded from Yamaha's website HERE
VOCALOID 3 Support and FAQs (for users of Zero-G AVANNA) - get help HERE. Get the software update HERE.
From November 18, 2009 there was a software update for Vocaloid 2. This updated your Vocaloid 2 package to version 2.0.12.
You can download the updater by clicking V2_0_12_4_Updater_English.zip
Using PRIMA, TONIO or SONIKA with the Vocaloid3 or Vocaloid4 Editors
PRIMA, TONIO and SONIKA are compatible* with the VOCALOID3 and VOCALOID4 Editors(so for example, if you have purchased the Vocaloid4 editor you can use PRIMA and DEX together within the editor).
You can buy the Vocaloid4 Editor by download HERE.
You have to complete a 'Library Import' into the VOCALOID4 Editor (or into the VOCALOID3 Editor*) by using the 'Library Import Tool'. For details about Library Import, see the following page:
**If you have imported your Prima, Tonio or Sonika into VOCALOID3, you will then also be able to import it directly into the VOCALOID4 Editor because VOCALOID4 can directly load VOCALOID3 voice libraries.
You can also download the Vocaloid2 Import Tool from our website at this URL: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1890/5447/files/VOCALOID2_LibImportTool_2_0_1_Setup.exe.zip?15205
IMPORTANT: To complete the import process, the Import Tool will try to link to a Yamaha server to get a special new import serial code. That Yamaha server is no longer working but we can provide you with the necessary serial number if you email as at: support@zerog-shop.reamaze.com
VOCALOID 1 SOFTWARE UPDATE (for Leon, Lola or Miriam, the products which are now discontinued):
IMPORTANT : There was an update package which updated your VOCALOID LEON or VOCALOID LOLA or VOCALOID MIRIAM software version 1.0.0 (or 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 or 1.0.5 or 1.1.1) to version 1.1.2.

Click on the link to download this update, Vocaloid_1.1.2_Update.zip
Most bugs found in 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.5 and 1.1.1 were resolved and numerous improvements were implemented in this update.
Please read the user manual (PDF) that is included with the update package, for more details, after you install the package. To apply the 1.1.2 update, you need your original LEON or LOLA or MIRIAM VOCALOID package correctly installed on your PC. Whether you have version 1.0.0 installed or you have update version 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 or 1.0.5 or 1.1.1 already applied, simply apply the update package. Older files will be overwritten. NOTICE: Before applying the update, other software, especially the VOCALOID Editor should be turned off!!
Operating System
Q. What OS is VOCALOID2 compatible with?
A. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
- Unfortunately, we cannot support other OS version.
We checked these versions with VOCALOID2:
-Windows XP Professional Edition (32bit)
-Windows XP Home Edition (32bit)
-Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 (32bit)
-Windows 7 Home Premium (32bit)
-Windows 7 Professional (32bit)
-Windows 7 Enterprise (32bit)
Playback VSTi
Q. What DAW software is VOCALOID2 Playback VSTi compatible with?
A. VOCALOID2 Playback VSTi is compatible with the latest version of
the following software:
Q. What DAW software is NOT Playback VSTi compatible with?
-CUBASE Studio4
-CUBASE Studio5
-Ableton Live 7
-ACID Pro6
Vocaloid Pc Download
-Realtime VSTi
Q. What DAW software is Realtime VSTi compatible with?
A. VOCALOID2 Realtime VSTi is compatible with the latest version of the following software:
-Ableton Live 7
-ACID Pro6
Q. What DAW software is NOT Realtime VSTi compatible with?
-CUBASE Studio4
-CUBASE Studio5
Q. What DAW software is Rewire compatible with?
A. VOCALOID2 Rewire is compatible with the latest version of the following software:
-Ableton Live 7
-ACID Pro6
Q. What DAW software is NOT Rewire compatible with?
-CUBASE Studio4
-CUBASE Studio5
-Sibelius (It is not officially supported for VOCALOID2.)
Q. VOCALOID2 has a Rewire set up problem with Pro Tools.
A. Please try the following:
Step1) Run Pro Tools and load empty session.
Step2) Add a mono instrument track, and insert VOCALOID2 (mono) to added track.
Step3) Select 'Vocaloid2 Tr1' on VOCALOID2 DIGIRACK panel.
Step4) Run VOCALOID Editor and select VOCALOID preferences 'Rewire-All tracks'.
If you chose 'Rewire-Master', you should add a stereo instrument track and insert VOCALOID (stereo) in Step2.
Step5) Click Rewire button on VOCALOID Editor.
Step6) Click play button on VOCALOID Editor.
Q. What version is VOCALOID2 VST?
A. It is VST2.3.
Q. I input notes and lyrics in VOCALOID2 Editor, but it did not play back with Firebox ASIO. Do you have way to listen VOCALOID2 voice with ASIO?
A. Unfortunately, VOCALOID2 does not support ASIO.
Q. Is it possible to synchronize both via MIDI Clock and MTC?
A. Synchronization both via MIDI clock and MTC is not supported by VOCALOID2.
Q. I have VOCALOID Version 1, and I bought VOCALOID2. But I do not see a way to use a VOCALOID Version 1 Singer in the VOCALOID2 Editor. Are they not compatible?
A. Unfortunately, they are not compatible because VOCALOID2 has been totally re-made with a different synthesis engine, so none of the original VOCALOID Version 1 vocal fonts will work with it. There is no compatibility at all.
Q. I got an error message when VOCALOID2 installer was running. (For example, F1C1221B-F56E… or B1E23048-C0E0…)
A. 1) Run the installer as Administrator. If you use Windows Vista or Windows 7, right click on VOCALOID2 installer and Select 'Run as Administrator'.
2) You need to free up space on one of these drives:
- System Drive
- Drive VOCALOID2 is installed on.
Q. If you get these message 'Cannot open Synthesis engine' or 'Cannot open Database'.
A. - VOCALOID2 might not install well. Try to uninstall and reinstall. It might lack some folders, such as Voice Data Base, and Expression Data Base.
- Check 'Run as Administrator' from VOCALOID Editor.?
Q. I have Prima, and I want to install Sweet Ann (a product from PowerFX). But I always get this error code: 'VOCALOID2 installation failed! Error Code: B7197A7E-AE3B-4575-90CA-6820EC7E7631 Click Finish to exit wizard'.
A. - Please confirm whether you are running the Sweet Ann installer as a system administrator.
- Please check the space of your system drive. (ordinary C:)
- We received information that the installation of VOCALOID can fail if a Kensington mouse driver is installed. If some mouse utilities, anti-virus applications or other background applications are working in your environment, quit those applications before Sweet Ann installation.
Try to completely uninstall and re-install both Prima and Sweet Ann.
Q. I downloaded Sweet Ann. Then the program will not load, and it says 'Cannot open synthesis engine'. I reinstalled Prima, and it ran. But I have some problems, such as mouse pointer inverted colours.
A. Install Sweet Ann first, and then install Prima. VOCALOID may not be the problem - there may be other conflicting software which we are not aware of.
Q. When I try to install the software, I do not have enough space on my C drive. So I change the path to G: /program/VOCALOID2 (I have two hard drives in this computer). The installation wizard tells me there is not enough space, VOCALOID should use about 4GB and there is about 46GB available. How can I fix this problem?
A. You need enough of capacity on the system drive, because when installing VOCALOID2, the installer copies some files to a temporary folder, located as follows: (C:Documents and SettingsLOG ON NAMELocal settingtemp). You need to clear more files on your system drive (usually C :) for these files.
Q. When I try to install VOCALOID in a PC with programs in another drive, the installation fails. Although the installers pass is changed, it takes the default pass.
A. Usually, VOCALOID can be installed in a drive other than C:drive, but the files are temporarily uncompressed in C:drive. Therefore, if C:drive has not enough space, the installation of VOCALOID to the other drive may fail. If so, change the environment variable by performing the following procedure so that VOCALOID can be installed even though there is not enough space in C:drive.
- From the control panel:
(a) Select 'Performance and maintenance' -> 'System' (in case of XP)
(b) Select 'System' (when the control panel is set as 'classic display' in Windows2000 and /or XP) - Select 'Detailed setting' tab
- Select 'Environment variable'
- Move the variable TEMP and/or TMP from C:drive folder to other drive folder (for both user environmental variable and system variable).
Information related to VOCALOID may be written in the registry file, it is desirable to delete all registry files related to VOCALOID before reinstalling.
Q. When I try to activate VOCALOID I get an error message saying 'There is a Database connection error'. I am able to connect to the internet just fine.
A. If SSL connection (https: protocol) does not work, online activation fails. Please check it, and if this is not the case, try offline activation.|
Q. I got the message 'Invalid Note Data...'
A. If there is no note in VOCALOID Editor track, the message will come up. Please check if it has empty track.
Q. I've been trying to run VOCALOID2 with Cubase 5.1 (32bit Edition), with ReWire. I get this error message in a Command Line window: 'OMP abort: Initializing libguide.lib, but found libguide40.lib already initialized. This can cause performance degradation. Set environment variable KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK=TRUE if you want your program to continue in this case.'
A. Try to install Rewire.dll. The latest version of the ReWire.dll download page is here:
Q. Error message 'Cannot open Synthesis engine' or 'Cannot open Database'
A. VOCALOID2 might not install well. Try to uninstall and reinstall. Also, check 'Run as Administrator' from VOCALOID Editor.
Q. When I playback in the middle of the sequence data, VOCALOID2 Playback VSTi has no sound.
A. Singer information is included in the head of VOCALOID MIDI. The sound is no output when play from later position than singer info.
Q. I created and loaded lyrics. VOCALOID2 Realtime in Cubase gives me no output when using my MIDI keyboard.
A. You should click [aA] button on lyric edit window after input lyrics.
Q. I create MIDI tracks with synth VSTi and VOCALOID singer. They were exported to wav, but the VOCALOID VSTi did not export.
A. The VOCALOID2 Realtime VSTi can not export to wav. However, VOCALOID2 Playback VSTi can export to wav.
It is possible to export the file by Realtime Export.
Q. In using VOCALOID2 Prima playing Realtime VSTi from a keyboard, can lyrics that have been typed in be saved for repeated use without retyping?
A. Yes. Click 'Save/Open' button on lyric Edit window and select 'Save' from the menu that appears to save the lyrics stored in all tabs to a file.
Q. While playing Realtime VSTi, is the length of a lyric phrase directly related to the length of time the keyboard key is depressed?
A. Yes.
Q. I made a MIDI file generated by Finale 2008. When I open it in VOCALOID2, the time signatures do not register.
A. The time signatures do not work, when you open a MIDI file with import command of VOCALOID2. Try to open a MIDI file with open command.
Q. I cannot edit all voice parameters in the Singer Editor. I notice that where it says Singer Editor at the top, it also says 'Read only'.
A. Try to run Singer Editor after closing VOCALOID2 Editor. When VOCALOID2 Editor is running, Singer Editor launches as 'read only' mode.
Q. When I playback the sequence with Tonio, there is a message 'Runtime Error'.
A. We found illegal data '@' in the Tonio voice Database. The VOCALOID synthesis engine crashes when '@' is synthesized with Tonio in D3 or higher pitch. Tonio cannot pronounce '@' correctly above the note D3. Please replace the '@' phoneme with the 'V' phoneme.
More FAQs for Vocaloid2 (Prima, Sonika and Tonio):
Installation and Activation Problems
Q: The software worked fine for a while after installation, but then stopped working. What happened?
A: Your temporary activation period may have expired. You will need to carry out the permanent activation procedure (see Activation).
Q: I want to re-install my operating system, and then re-install VOCALOID2 on the same computer. What will happen to the activation?
A: As long as you're using the same computer VOCALOID2 can be reinstalled as many times as you like.
Q: Can I re-install and use VOCALOID2 on a different computer than the one I originally activated it on?
A: VOCALOID2 is licensed for use on one computer only. If you need to install the software on a different computer please contact Zero-G at vocaloidsupport@zero-g.co.uk
Note Editing Problems
Q: I entered a number of notes but some or all are 'grayed out' and won't play.
A: Some or all notes may be overlapping. You may need to adjust the positions of the notes by hand, or use the Normalize Object command located in the Job menu (see 1-1. The Menus -> Job -> Normalize Notes).
Q: I imported an SMF file I made using another program, but some or all of the notes are 'grayed out' and won't play.
A: Some or all notes may be overlapping. Each VOCALOID2 track is strictly monophonic and overlapping notes won't play. Use the Normalize Object command located in the Job menu (see 1-1. The Menus -> Job -> Normalize Notes).
Q: When I try to enter notes a strange 'prohibited' mark appears beside the cursor and I can't enter any notes.
A: You are probably trying to enter notes in the pre-measure area (the negative-numbered measures before measure '1'). You can only enternotes from measure 1 onwards.
Q: The notes don't appear to be overlapping and yet they are grayed out.
A: The displayed and actual positions of the notes may vary slightly depending on the Quantize and Length settings. Either change the Quantize and Length settings, or use the Normalize Object command located in the Job menu (see 1-1. The Menus -> Job -> Normalize Notes).
Q: I get no sound when I enter short notes.
A: The same would happen with a human singer. VOCALOID2 needs notes that are long enough for it to sing. Please make the notes longer.
Q: I shortened some rests between notes and ended up with a continuous note.
A: Once again, the same would happen with a human singer.VOCALOID2 needs time to respond. Please make the rests between notes longer.
Lyric Editing Problems
Q: I entered the phonetic symbols myself, but now I get no sound at all.
A: The phonetic symbols within each note must be separated by spaces. Also, only one syllable can be entered for each note. If a note has no syllable, or more than one syllable, it will produce no sound.
Synthesis Problems
Q: I get no sound at all!
A: Check everything from your selected audio device to your physical audio connections. If you have more than one audio device installed in your computer, the software may be assigned to the wrong device. Check your AUDIO > Device ... settings in the Settings menu.
Q: After entering some lyrics, I changed the singer and now I get no sound.
A: You may have switched to a singer of a different language. Phonetic symbols that do not apply to the language of the currently selected singer will be ignored, and as a result you will get no sound.
Q: I tried using a MIDI file produced by the VOCALOID2 Editor withanother tone generator, but was not able to produce any sound.
A: VOCALOID2 uses special MIDI messages that are different from the standard note on and off messages used by normal tone generators. VOCALOID2 MIDI data cannot be used to drive conventional tone generators.
Q: If the VOCALOID2 Editor tempo and/or time signature is different from that of my host sequencer, will the two applications synchronize properly?
A: Tempo and time signature differences can not be automatically adjusted. Make sure the tempo and time signature of the VOCALOID2 Editor and your host sequencer match.
VST Problems:
Q: Does Prima (or Sonika) work as a VST instrument with Cakewalk Sonar?
A: Sonar is not officially supported for VOCALOID2. However, so far as we tested, VOCALOID2 Realtime VSTi seems to work on Sonar (6.2.1). Playback VSTi does not work on any version of Sonar. This is because Sonar changes the order of NRPN MIDI messages, which are essential for synthesis.
Tech Support FAQs for Vocaloid version 1 products (LEON, LOLA and MIRIAM)
IMPORTANT : There was an update package which updated your VOCALOID LEON or VOCALOID LOLA or VOCALOID MIRIAM software version 1.0.0 (or 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 or 1.0.5 or 1.1.1) to version 1.1.2.
Click on the link to download this update, Vocaloid_1.1.2_Update.zip
Most bugs found in 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.5 and 1.1.1 were resolved and numerous improvements were implemented in this update.
Please read the user manual (PDF) that is included with the update package, for more details, after you install the package. To apply the 1.1.2 update, you need your original LEON or LOLA or MIRIAM VOCALOID package correctly installed on your PC. Whether you have version 1.0.0 installed or you have update version 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 or 1.0.5 or 1.1.1 already applied, simply apply the update package. Older files will be overwritten.
NOTICE: Before applying the above update, other software, especially the VOCALOID Editor should be turned off!!
Installation & Activation problems:
Q: The software worked fine for a while after installation, but then stopped working. What happened?
A: Your temporary activation period may have expired (it expires after 5 days if you have not activated the software). You will need to carry out the permanent activation procedure (see the owner's manual for instructions). Or, you may need to download and install the update available at www.vocaloid.com which fixes a bug that can occur when a computer has more than one network card installed.
Q: I ran the activation program and entered the serial number but wasn't able to activate the software.
A: Please make sure that a network card is installed in your computer and your computer is properly connected to the Internet (there is more info about this hardware requirement earlier on this page). The software cannot be activated if no network card is installed in your computer. If you do not wish to connect your computer to the internet, please use a separate Windows 2000/XP computer for offline activation.
Q: Will Vocaloid accept an ISDN or ADSL modem as the network device required during activation?
A: Officially you need a LAN card either installed on your PC or integrated into your motherboard or a USB LAN device plugged into a USB socket on the PC you are using. However it would appear that if there is an ISDN or ADSL modem present then Vocaloid can usually be activated provided the ISDN or ADSL modem is listed as a Network Adapter in your Control Panel Device Manager.
Q: Does my PC always have to be connected to the Internet when I use VOCALOID?
A: No. In activation, it has to be connected to the net to get the authentication code from the server. Once it gets the code, the PC does not have to be connected to the network. However, the NIC (LAN card) has to be there.
Q: When I re-install the OS and VOCALOID, do I have to activate VOCALOID again?
A: Yes. But so long as you have the same NIC (network card) in your PC, you can reinstall and activate VOCALOID as many times as you like.
Q: What will happen if I plug in a new NIC (network card or networking device) after activating VOCALOID?
A: You can use VOCALOID without any problem if you apply the updater version 1.1, which is downloadable from http://www.vocaloid.com/ The software searches all active NICs and if one of them matches the key stored in the registry, it can be launched. If you use version 1.0.0, you may have the following message: 'One or more VOCALOID components expired!! Please activate VOCALOID'. This is because of a bug in version 1.0.0, which does not search all active NICs. In this case, please apply the updater (version 1.1.)
Q: Can I activate VOCALOID using a dialup modem?
A: Yes you can. But you cannot use your modem as a device to identify your hardware. You need to have a LAN card installed for that (whether it is connected to the network or not). However, in version 1.0.0 there is a bug when you use a dialup modem for activation. It uses the 'virtual MAC address' which appears when the modem is in PPP dialup connection. In this case the activation looks successful, but it gives the expiration message after one week if the modem is not kept connected to the net via PPP. In order to solve this, please apply the updater version 1.1 and re-activate VOCALOID using Activate.exe included in the updater.
Q: I have two or more NICs (network devices) installed on my PC and I may unplug some of them in the future. How can I specify a NIC used for VOCALOID activation?
A: If you have two or more NICs installed on your PC and you would like to use a particular NIC, it is recommended before you activate that you should disable all other NICs except the one you want to use. Then the activation program uses the enabled NIC as an identifier of your PC. It is possible that a future update of VOCALOID may include functionality for you to specify the NIC you want to use for activation.
Q: Can I disable the NIC after I activate VOCALOID? I do not want to connect my PC the network.
A: Unfortunately No. The NIC which was there during activation has to be there when you use VOCALOID. However, once you get the authentication code (by activating), you do not have to connect your PC to the net via the NIC. If you do not want to connect your PC to the net (in order to avoid worm or virus problems), we would suggest purchasing a new NIC (for example, a cheap USB network adapter), activating Vocaloid with the new one installed, and using that new NIC as a dongle. In this case, please make sure that all other network devices except the new NIC must be disabled when you activate VOCALOID. (Otherwise the system might use the other NIC for activation.)
Q: If I install my VOCALOID on my desktop PC and activate it using a USB Network Adapter, may I install the software on my laptop PC as well, and activate using the same USB Network Adapter?
A: It does not increase the 'license count' on the server so long as you use the same network device. However, the Yamaha license agreement permits you to use VOCALOID software only on one PC. Yamaha request that in these circumstances you should uninstall VOCALOID from your desktop before installing it on your laptop.
Q: How does the 'offline activation' work?
A: Follow the instructions in the manual. Basically, you first generate a text file including your hardware information, i.e. MAC address of your NIC. You choose the second option of the activation program to generate the text file, and then move it to another PC running on Windows 2000/XP, where you can get an authorization key using 'ActivateKey.exe'. After you receive the key from the server and save it to a new text file, you bring it to the VOCALOID PC and feed it to the activation program.
If you experience any other problem with offline activation, please make sure you have downloaded and installed the version 1.1.1 update from the Download page at www.vocaloid.com (Yamaha informed us that there was a bug that affected their version 1.1 update, whereby a LAN card is needed even for offline activation. They solved the problem in their new version 1.1.1).
Note Editing Problems:
Q: I entered a number of notes but some or all are 'greyed out' and won't play.
A: Some or all notes may be overlapping. You may need to adjust the positions of the notes by hand, or use the Normalize Object command located in the Job menu.
Q: I imported an SMF file (MIDI file) I made using another program, but some or all of the notes are 'grayed out' and won't play.
A: Some or all notes may be overlapping. Each VOCALOID track is strictly monophonic and overlapping notes won't play. Use the Normalize Object command located in the Job menu.
Q: When I try to enter notes a strange 'prohibited' mark appears beside the cursor and I can't enter any notes.
A: you are probably trying to enter notes in the pre-measure area (the negative-numbered measures before measure '1'). You can only enter notes from measure 1 onwards.
Q: The notes don't appear to be overlapping and yet they are greyed out.
A: The displayed and actual positions of the notes may vary slightly depending on the Grid and Length settings. Either change the grid and Length settings, or use the Normalize Object command located in the Job menu.
Q: I get no sound when I enter short notes.
A: The same would happen with a human singer. VOCALOID needs notes that are long enough for it to sing.
Q: I shortened some rests between notes and ended up with a continuous note.
A: Once again, the same would happen with a human singer. VOCALOID needs time to respond.
Lyric Editing Problems:
Q: Even though I've properly entered some lyrics, only an 'ooh' sound plays back.
A: You need to execute a Phoneme Transformation after entering new lyrics. Click the Phoneme view button and check that the correct phonetic symbols appear below the notes.
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Q: I've entered lyrics and executed the Phoneme Transformation but still only see 'ooh' on the display and hear 'ooh' during playback.
A: Make sure that you have connected the syllables in the lyric text using hyphens. It is also possible that a word you entered is not in the default dictionary. Check your
spelling carefully. If you've tried everything and still can't get the phoneme transformation to work properly, try entering the phonetic symbols yourself. Check that the correct phonetic symbols appear below the notes.
Q: I entered the phonetic symbols myself, but now I get no sound at all.
A: The phonetic symbols within each note must be separated by spaces. Also, only one syllable can be entered for each note. If a note has no syllable, or more than one syllable, it will produce no sound.
Q: I entered phonetic symbols myself, and then changed the lyric text, and now nothing happens when I try to execute the phoneme transformation.
A: The phonetic symbols you entered are protected. You will need to go to the Phoneme Editor and uncheck the appropriate 'PROTECT' checkbox(es).
Q: If I want to change the pronunciation of a particular word how do I know which phoneme to use to get the desired result?
A: In the Vocaloid Help Appendix there is a Phonetic Symbol Chart which you can use to help you decide which phoneme to use in a particular word to get the pronunciation you require. By replacing phonemes manually you should be able to get Vocaloid to sing any word, real or imaginary.
Expression Problems:
Q: I can't place the dynamics icons (ff, crescendos, etc.) into the sequence track.
A: You may have set the dynamics mode to 'Expert'. Change it back to 'Standard' if you want to use the icons.
Synthesis Problems:
Q: I get no sound at all!
A: Check everything from your selected audio device to your physical audio connections. If you have more than one audio device installed in your computer, the software may be assigned to the wrong device. Check your AUDIO/Device settings in the Settings menu.
Q: After entering some lyrics, I changed the singer and now I get no sound.
A: You may have switched to a singer of a different language. Phonetic symbols that do not apply to the language of the currently selected singer will be ignored, and as a result you will get no sound.
Q: The playback sound is intermittent.
A: If the play mode is set to 'Play With Synthesis,' playback may be intermittent on some computers that possess lower speed. In such cases, left-click the round button of the track selector tab and select 'Play After Synthesis' mode. Please also try the following:
- Increase 'Pre-Send Time' in a dialog displayed by selecting 'Setting> VOCALOID MIDI > Option' from the menu.
- Increase 'Buffer Size' in a dialog displayed by selecting 'Audio > Device' from the menu.
- Increase the buffer size or latency of the sound device (if possible).
- Set the sampling rate to 44.1kHz.
- Reduce the number of 'Play With Synthesis' tracks.
Q: Playback of the VOCALOID VST instrument is intermittent.
A: This can happen on some slower computers, or if the CPU load is particularly high. Try reducing the number of VOCALOID tracks and/or quitting other software synthesizers. Mid-track singer changes can also increase the CPU load enough to cause this problem. It is safer not to change singers during a track. Please also try the following:
- In creating the sequence on the VOCALOID Editor, increase 'Pre-Send Time' in a dialog displayed by selecting 'Setting >VOCALOID MIDI > Option' from the menu.
- Increase the buffer size or latency in the sound device setting of the host sequencer. Consider using MME driver (which normally has larger buffer size) rather than ASIO.
- Set the sampling rate to 44.1kHz.
Q: Sometimes the VOCALOID VST instrument produces no sound.
A: This problem can occur if you are simultaneously sending a large number of MIDI messages to the host sequencer. Try reducing the density of the control change messages being sent, for example.
Q: The locations of the MIDI data being sent to the VST instrument and the timing of the sounds produced are different.
A: VOCALOID uses special MIDI message to represent the notes and singer data, and these are sent ahead of the actual sound timing.
Q: I tried using a MIDI file produced by the VOCALOID Editor with another tone generator, but was not able to produce any sound.
A: VOCALOID uses special MIDI messages that are different from the standard note on and off messages used by normal tone generators. VOCALOID MIDI data cannot be used to drive conventional tone generators.
Q: When I use ReWireTM, will the two applications are synchronized properly even if the VOCALOID Editor's tempo and/or time signature is different from that of my host sequencer?
A: Tempo setting of the host application can be imported by using 'Import ReWire Host Tempo' function. Time signature differences can not be automatically adjusted. Make sure the tempo and time signature of the VOCALOID Editor and your host sequencer match.
Q. While I use VOCALOID with Cubase, the Sampling Rate is changed to 32kHz after the computer beeps.
A. In this case, turn off the OS sound setting to avoid it. For example, for Windows XP, select 'Sound and Audio Device' from Control Panel and select 'No Sound' in the Sound Setting dialog in the Sound tab.
Q. I tried to import a MIDI file into Vocaloid, that I created in another program (for example Pro Tools) but the MIDI file will not import. Other MIDI files import OK, so what is wrong with this MIDI file?
A. This problem can be caused by some META events (including META Markers) in a MIDI file. Try editing the MIDI file to remove Markers or other META events, before importing into Vocaloid
Sample Results From Member DownloadsDownload Name | Date Added | Speed |
Yamaha Vocaloid Lola | 10-Dec-2020 | 2,166 KB/s |
Yamaha Vocaloid Lola | 10-Dec-2020 | 2,149 KB/s |
Yamaha Vocaloid Lola Serial | 09-Dec-2020 | 2,222 KB/s |
Yamaha Vocaloid Lola Full | 05-Dec-2020 | 2,207 KB/s |
Yamaha_Vocaloid_Lola_Updated_2020 | 05-Dec-2020 | 2,197 KB/s |
Yamaha.Vocaloid.Lola_05.Dec.2020.rar | 05-Dec-2020 | 2,857 KB/s |
Yamaha Vocaloid Lola BRRip | 01-Dec-2020 | 2,554 KB/s |
Showing 7 download results of 7 for Yamaha Vocaloid Lola |
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